Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Bullet without impact

 Over the Summer I went to the gun range. I shot several single fire guns and rifles whose bullets would hit a target and then stop upon impact. But I always wondered what the motion of the bullet be if it just kept going without colliding into anything. This is reminiscent of lab 6. The bullet over time would travel in two dimensions; it would be going along the horizontal and vertical planes. The bullet right after leaving the barrel would begin increasing in velocity in the direction it was shot. Immediately, gravity in the vertical axis would be pulling the bullet down -9.8 m/s/s. So initially the bullet's horizontal velocity increases, but the vertical one decreases at constant due to gravity. The horizontal velocity would increase until it reaches it's highest and then begin to decrease. So the bullet shot through a clear space would over time would speed up, then slow down, and then finally stop horizontally while consistantly decreasing in height because of gravity. it would be similiar to a throwing a ball in a straight line, the ball would start fast, then slow down all whilst falling steadily to the ground.    

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