Friday, December 6, 2013



In many cases most of us have used or heard someone say "that's a lot of work," when referring to the fact that they have to study or sit and write a long term paper. In fact, I myself always use this phrase whenever I am giving a high quantity of homework in college. However, after learning the physics definition of work, and its actual formula W= F*D, the term "Work" has become more comprehendible, and in a sense enabled me to use it more appropriately. In order to actually do work there must be a transfer of energy involved, either by applying a force or moving a certain distance, as the formula states. People who claim they did a lot of work because they sat in a chair and typed on a keyboard are actually not doing work because as mentioned there must be a movement in distance involved. However, on the other hand those who are actually going to go exercise, or work, by moving (covering distance) can truly say they are doing work. As for the others, or many of us college students the most appropriate phrase to say would be "I am going to do lots of studying".


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