Tuesday, December 10, 2013


Angela Mayack

Today while I was running I could feel the wind and the snow making it more difficult to run. I realized that this was a example of physics, in fact there is a lot of physics involved in running. First of all acceleration is used, the term acceleration is the rate at which an object changes its velocity. While running to start you use acceleration from walking to running, also when stopping you start to slow down then walk again that is deceleration. Wind also plays a role; the force of the wind is applied to a runner and can cause acceleration or deceleration. Drag is involved by force of the air resistance, which would cause a runner to decelerate. Lastly involved in running can be the ground force. Force of the ground can be produced while the foot interacts with the ground while you are accelerating causing more force. This produces the law of action-reaction because this law states that for any applied force there is an equal and opposite force. So when your feet hit the ground the ground reaction force is the opposite of the force produced by a runner's foot. 

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