Thursday, December 19, 2013

Nicholas Ruggiero

A burnout is an example of friction, a large part of physics. A burnout occurs when a cars engine turns the wheels harder that the level of friction the tires of the car can hold. Once that level is reached the tires break traction and start to spin, as the tires spin faster and faster they heat up starting to burn the tire creating smoke which is what you see above.  

Nicholas Ruggiero

This picture of a snow plow relates to physics in how the truck is pushing snow that has a lesser mass and "oomh" than the plow truck which is why heavier trucks can push more snow.

Nicholas Ruggiero

Here we have a picture of a man doing a hand stand on a motorcycle. This is a prime example of physics and how the rider is traveling at the same speed as the motorcycle is and is what makes this stunt very difficult and very dangerous. The proper way to do this stunt is to be extremely steady and keep as much of a persons weight lowest to the bike to keep the center of gravity low. This relates to physics in areas such as gravity, wind resistance, center of gravity and constant velocity.  

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

You know, with the whole centripetal force. Yeah that was probably my weakest section.

Emil Baez

Fwd: physics blogs

Signed by Garry Deratus

Thank you, 
Garry Deratus

Begin forwarded message:

From: Garry Deratus <>
Date: December 13, 2013 at 5:04:49 PM EST
To: "" <>
Subject: physics blogs 
Reply-To: Garry Deratus <>

Blog #1
Everyone recognizes when a momentum collision happens between two cars, but it also happens in sports. In this picture, we see that after two football players collide with each other, one football player is going forward and pushing the other back. This is an example of two forces using momentum against each other. Whether it's because the football player, moving forward, has more mass or speed, he had momentum allowing him to push the other football player.
Signed, Garry Deratus
Blog #2
Barbell Bench Press - Medium Grip
When you go to the gym and do a warm-up set on bench press, you're actually pushing up way lass than you normally do. Now, you may think that when it comes to who is exerting more force between you or the barbell, it you because it's not heavy. WRONG! In actuality, you and the barbell with weights are exerting the same amount of force, according to Newton's 3rd Law, which says the forces of two bodies on each other are always equal and are directed in opposite directions.
Garry Deratus
Blog #3
When two people who are most likely similar in weight are racing, they exert force for a certain distance. Therefore they produce work. One runner finishes first, so you would think that he did more work than the other runner. What is interesting is that they produced the same amount of work. It is power in fact that the faster runner exerted more in. When it comes to power, time becomes a factor. So, since the faster runner finished in less time, he exerted more power than the other runner.
Garry Deratus


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Begin forwarded message:

From: Mateusz Hader <>
Date: December 18, 2013 at 10:40:55 AM EST

In the long throw performed by track and field athletes, the athlete uses centripetal force to propel the object as far as they can. Since the objects velocity is always changing, the athlete has to let go of the object at the proper time in order to properly aim for the trajectory.  
-Mateusz Hader
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Sent from my iPhone

Begin forwarded message:

From: Mateusz Hader <>
Date: December 18, 2013 at 10:34:44 AM EST

In this car accident, the red sports car ran into the yellow pole. The cars momentum was not strong enough to go through the pole therefore causing the sports car to stop after colliding. The pole and sports car exerted the same amount of force to each other.
-Mateusz Hader
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Sent from my iPhone

Begin forwarded message:

From: Mateusz Hader <>
Date: December 18, 2013 at 10:31:58 AM EST

A game of tug of war represents the force of tension on the rope acted upon by both sides. The two people on the tight are exerting the same amount if force as the single person on the left because they are at equilibrium.
-Mateusz Hader
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Newton's first law

Here is a video of Newton's first law in action. Newton's first law states that, "an object in motion remains in motion and an object at rest remains at rest unless a net force acts on it." This video shows various example that proves to law to be true  

Anthony Okonta

Magnetic and Electric Force

This is a really cool video of an experiment that involves Magnetic and Electric force. Watch and see what a ballon can do

-Anthony Okonta

Magnetic and Electric Force

This is a really cool video of an experiment that involves Magnetic and Electric force. Watch and see what a ballon can do

Re: Newton's 1st Law in full effect

Here is a video of Newton's 2nd law in action. Newton's 2nd law states that, "The acceleration of an object as produced by a net force is directly proportional to the magnitude of the net force, in the same direction as the net force, and inversely proportional to the mass of the object." The definition is sort of complicated but this video those a great job of explaining it 

Anthony Okonta

Gravitational Force

Gravitational force: 
Measure of how hard earth pulls on an object, also called weight of an object, non contact force.

In this experiment 2 books. Both object hits the ground at the same time regardless their weight. 
Acceleration of gravity of a free falling object on earth is 9.8m/s/s o's the same for all free falling object regardless of how long they been falling, or whether they were initially dropped from rest or thrown in the air. 

Claire Tabuteau


The picture about parasailing is one of my three blogs

Sent from my iPhone


This video explains the meaning of enregy,power and work; also, shows examples to give a better understanding.

Cynthia Millan

Newton's Laws

This video  explains Newton's laws, and how forces influece the motion of an object.

Cynthia Millan

Centripetal Force

This video explains Centripetal Force, and shows many demonstration of centripetal force in the real world.

Cynthia Millan

During movie night I watched the vow with my best friend. The scene where the main characters get into a car accident contributes to Newton's first law. Newton's first law states that an object at rest tends to stay at rest and an object in motion tends to stay in motion unless a net force is applied to it. While the car is in motion the passengers are moving at the same speed as the car. During the accident a net force was applied to the car to stop it from moving. However, one of the main characters go flying out of the car. This is because she is still moving at the speed the car was initially moving in before it was stopped. If she had her seat belt on that would have been the net force applied to her in order to stop her. 

Remember to always wear your seat belt .. safety first! 

-Ashley Cho-Quang-Sam 

The end of each semester is bittersweet. Everyones excited to go on break but they are also stressing over finals. During this time I like to take a moment to myself and do a little meditating ... upside down. While I'm meditating I'm in equilibrium. This means that the force of me on the surface is equal to the force of the Earth on me as well. The net force is equal to zero. An object is in equilibrium when it is either moving at a constant velocity or stationary.

On that note.. Good Luck with your finals guys! 

-Ashley Cho-Quang-Sam

I watched nascar recaps with my father and noticed that it has physics written all over it. The racers drive on a circular track. Each time they turn on a curve they are subjected to centripetal force. It's the force that acts on the car as its turning (centripetal force). The force is directed to the center of the curvature.

-Ashley Cho-Quang-Sam

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Soccer and Physics

So we all know physics takes part in every aspect of our lives including sports!. In the game of soccer physics can be seen whenever a player kicks the ball. In the capacity of forces we can see the applied force - the kick of the player - being applied to the ball and then as the ball passes the goalie and hits the net the ball's momentum is transferred over a greater period of time therefore being caught by the net instead of popping/slamming back out of the goal. Think about the egg experiment that we went over in class! 


Car Crashes

This video represents Newton's 3rd law even though the video is being used to simulate the human body in a car accident. You can see by the numerous crashes in the video that we can apply Newton's 3rd law which dictates that every action has an equal and opposite reaction. When the cars crash they exert the same amount of force onto each other. 


This is Physics!

Thanks to this class I actually understand what's those formulas! Makes sense, right?

- Victor Ramos

In light of our final tomorrow

-Victor Ramos

Energy Transfer

Hey guys so this video shows physics at work. It shows energy being transferred from Eg to Ek and it shows this with a naturally occurring phenomena. The avalanche in the video is the naturally occurring phenomena in which the snow at the top of the mountain has Eg until it starts crashing down the mountainside in which Eg is transferred to Ek.


Cool demonstration on Gravity, wish we could do it!

If we only had more time! We spoke of gravity a lot, so this was really cool to see.

- Victor Ramos

Zero Gravity

Hey guys - so this is another video basically demonstrating Newton's 1st law and how an object in motion tends to stay in motion. However, in this video you'll see that it occurs in a unique way. Think about the sudden braking and you as the passenger flying forward when watching the video and look at the result.


Some Physics Comedy Gold!

- Victor Ramos


Remember impulse is the change in momentum. we may define impulse as average force times time interval, what we mean by average force is that force value which, when multiplied by the time interval gives the total area under the force vs time curve during that interval. That is, if a force changes very quickly with time, its net effect on the momentum of the object is simply the impulse, which is really the area under the force vs time curve.

I found this online, funny and interesting thought i would share it with you guys

    This cartoon originally referred to the invisible hand of the marketplace that the manager at left was using that as an excuse to lower the young guys pay, or even to bump him out of his job. I thought impulse was a good metaphor for what happens to the poor guys metaphorical momentum due to invisible forces he cannot control.

Sevani Persaud

Momentum: types of collision

Just a little summary about collision. Remember initial momentum is always equal to final momentum.

There are 3 types of collision:

  • All momentum is conserved (not surprisingly - it always is!)
  • Kinetic energy is conserved (that's what makes this special).
  • Relative speed of approach = relative speed of separation.

(So if one is catching the other at 10m/s before the collision, it will be moving apart from it at 10m/s after the collision)

  • All momentum is conserved (as always).
  • Kinetic energy is not conserved.
  • The relative speed of separation is zero.
 that means the objects stick together after the collision so just consider them as one object whose mass is the same as that of the two original masses combined.
  • All momentum is conserved (again).
  • Kinetic energy is not conserved (again).
  • You can't say anything about the speed at which they leave each other without doing a calculation                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Sevani Persaud.

Extreme Gravity from Centripetal Motion

So I'm sort of a dork on the side, and this is something that I saw on a show called "Wonders of the Universe". But it really shows off centripetal force and what the effects of increased velocity has on gravity.


Skate ramp, centripetal force, newton's 3rd law

This is a picture of a ramp i created using the phet simulation. Notice the two loops are almost circles? at first i couldn't find an explanation as to how the skater was able to skate through the loop without falling off. Then we did centripetal force and it started to make sense. So for the skater on the ramp there is a force of gravity and a normal force. As he travels down the ramp notice the direction of normal force changes as he goes through the loop -normal force points towards the center of the loop but newton's third law states that every action has an equal and opposite reaction so as the normal force pushes the board towards the center of the loop there is and\ equal and opposite force of the skate pushing back on the board therefore he doesn't fall off the ramp. (NOTE: the normal force acts as the centripetal force in this case, there was no friction)

Gravitational Energy

Here's a window washing man sitting on some sort of cart thing. He's high above the ground and his cart is not moving so his gravitational energy is at its max. If we knew his mass and height, we can use the formula to find the gravitational energy there is. 

- Sunnie Chiu

Re: Yellow cab accident

As I am reading the daily news I saw this, it's so physics. This accident happened between 6th Ave. and West 45th street, in which the two vehicles collided. A witness stating that the cab ran the red light and the garbage truck slammed into it. Three passengers including the yellow cab driver were injured. As you can notice it did not look that the truck was speeding, it was quite slow. However the impact was loud and massive. 
The garbage truck has greater momentum. Therefore, anything on its way will get damaged because the truck will be harder to stop. The yellow cab will have the least momentum because it can easily be stopped. 
If you want to read more about this collision there is the link bellow

Claire Tabuteau

Yellow cab accident

As I am reading the daily news I saw this, it's so physics. This accident happened between 6th Ave. and West 45th street, in which the two vehicles collided. A witness stating that the cab ran the red light and the garbage truck slammed into it. Three passengers including the yellow cab driver were injured. As you can notice it did not look that the truck was speeding, it was quite slow. However the impact was loud and massive. 
The garbage truck has greater momentum. Therefore, anything on its way will get damaged because the truck will be harder to stop. The yellow cab will have the least momentum because it can easily be stopped. 
If you want to read more about this collision there is the link bellow

Force applied by man on box post 3

  This person is pushing a box and it is moving at constant speed with friction. So this means that the force of earth/ object and force of floor/ object are equal to each other. Also the force of friction/ object is equal to the force of person/object.
 By Stephanie Carpio 

School Crossword Pyramid

This team  pyramid is in equilibrium because the net force on each girl is zero (0). 
Also relates to Newton's second law as the basis for a strategy for solving equilibrium problems. 

Claire Tabuteau 

A pregnant woman pushing a shopping cart

The pregnant woman is pushing the cart in order for it to move. The woman and the cart is moving at a constant velocity. The cart is seeding up, and the force apply by the woman on the cart caused by the woman pushing it. (Force of gravity is downward) 

(Force of floor on the woman and the cart)
(Friction)___ | ___(Force of the woman on the cart) 
(Force of earth on the cart and the woman)

Claire Tabuteau 


These were the three types of collisions we did for the lab. The first one and the third one has two carts (turned cars) of equal mass moving towards each other at the same speed. The only difference being that the first one has velcro at the front of the carts and the third one doesn't. 
The second is a cart hitting a stationary cart. 

-Sunnie Chiu

Gravitational energry converts to Kinetic energy

The image at the top represents a object at the top of the hill. When the object is at the top of the hill it has potential energy or gravitational energy; however, when it rolls down and almost reaches the ground the gravitational energy is converted to kinetic energy. Gravitational energy is stored energy. Kinetic energy is energy in motion.

By Stephanie Carpio

A pregnant woman pushing a shopping cart

The pregnant woman is pushing the cart in order for it to move. The woman and the cart is moving at a constant velocity. The cart is seeding up, and the force apply by the woman on the cart caused by the woman pushing it. (Force of gravity is downward) 

(Force of floor on the woman and the cart)
(Friction)___ | ___(Force of the woman on the cart) 
(Force of earth on the cart and the woman)

Normal Force Diagram

The girl exerts a gravitational force onto the floor while the floor exerts an equal amount of force back onto the girl, bringing them both to an equilibrium. 

-Sunnie Chiu

Forces at Equilibrium

When forces are at equilibrium means all forces are equal to each other. An example of this can be when an object is stationary(still). A box on the floor can can be an example of a stationary object. The Force of earth /object is equal to the force of floor/object.

By: Stephanie Carpio
Checkout physics doing it's thing on an Xbox game. Call of duty ghosts showing how newton's law of an object in motion stays in motion unless another force acts upon it. 

Emil Baez

Monday, December 16, 2013

Energy Post#6

This picture shows a mountain climber moving up a mountain as he uses energy in order to reach his way to the top. As he climbs up the mountain, seen in the picture, there is kinetic energy. Once he is at the top, potential energy comes into the equation. Then, if he decides to climb back down the mountain, energy is released and once again there is kinetic energy. 

-Norhan Ahmed

Momentum Blog Post #5

In this picture, we see a car and a large truck before they collide. Because the truck has a greater momentum, anything in its way will get damaged because its harder to stop. The car has the least momentum, because it can stop easier. This is exactly why there are often separate roads for trucks and cars because it can be very dangerous at times. 

-Norhan Ahmed

Fw: Newton's Third law blog post#4

On Monday, December 16, 2013 2:24 PM, Norhan Ahmed <> wrote:
In this video, sunnie and Emil are pushing off each other. According to Newton's third law, sunnie and Emil will exert the same force at the same time. Even though, they are both different masses they will still exert the same force. 

-Norhan Ahmed

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Newton's Third law blog post#4

In this video, sunnie and Emil are pushing off each other. According to Newton's third law, sunnie and Emil will exert the same force at the same time. Even though, they are both different masses they will still exert the same force.

Sunday, December 15, 2013

Force diagram

The picture shows the ball being at the top of the parabolic trajectory and coming down. The only force that is acting on it is earth which makes it come back down. We would write this as Force (earth/ object). This will relate to our physics class when we worked on the force diagrams and what force is taken place on a object.

Blue angels (momentum)

In this picture we see the blue angels flying over NYC at a constant speed. We can also say that momentum is taking place. Airplanes are usually heavy and it will take in large momentum to make them move and all go at the same speed. Especially over a city.

Energy flow (jackass)

In this picture its shows the same thing we did in class with the energy flow diagram. The initial energy of this will be E,el and final energy will be half Ek and half Eg. And the energy will be coming from earth, little cart and the weight of the person. With that saying this will be the same problem on Unit 4 worksheet 2 problem 1. This picture is from a
Scene from jackass number 1.

Energy flow (jackass)

Blue angels ( momentum)

Friday, December 13, 2013

Newton's Third Law Pair

A few weeks ago I saw a dent in my car as it was parked. I don't know who did it and never will. But I can analyze how exactly it was dented. Since my car was parked, it would be at rest with a velocity of 0 m/s. The car that hit it however, would most likely be reversing (since my front bumper was hit). As the car moved backwards it hit my car applying a force. Let's say this force was 800N. Newton's third law states that for any force exerted onto one object by another, the object exerts a force of equal magnitude and opposite direction. So as this car reversed into mine with a force of 800N, my car should exert the same amount of force. The bumber was still pushed in however. This is similar to question 5 on our review sheet. This is a 3rd law pair. The bumber was dented because it was unable to sustain the amouny of force that was applied. If the bumber was capable of this, it would not have been pushed inward at all. So although both forces were equal, the material of my front bumper can be assumed to be weaker than the other car's back bumper.

physics blogs

Blog #1
Everyone recognizes when a momentum collision happens between two cars, but it also happens in sports. In this picture, we see that after two football players collide with each other, one football player is going forward and pushing the other back. This is an example of two forces using momentum against each other. Whether it's because the football player, moving forward, has more mass or speed, he had momentum allowing him to push the other football player.
Blog #2
Barbell Bench Press - Medium Grip
When you go to the gym and do a warm-up set on bench press, you're actually pushing up way lass than you normally do. Now, you may think that when it comes to who is exerting more force between you or the barbell, it you because it's not heavy. WRONG! In actuality, you and the barbell with weights are exerting the same amount of force, according to Newton's 3rd Law, which says the forces of two bodies on each other are always equal and are directed in opposite directions.
Blog #3
When two people who are most likely similar in weight are racing, they exert force for a certain distance. Therefore they produce work. One runner finishes first, so you would think that he did more work than the other runner. What is interesting is that they produced the same amount of work. It is power in fact that the faster runner exerted more in. When it comes to power, time becomes a factor. So, since the faster runner finished in less time, he exerted more power than the other runner.

On the way to work.

I have to take the crosstown bus to get to work and had the unfortunate luck of not getting a seat. The bus kept constantly stopping sending me forward hitting the person besides me (thanks physics.....) and then I remembered in order to prevent this I need a force to stop me. Stood next to a pole to prevent me from bumping anyone else. Thanks again physics. 

Emil Baez

fang gao blog 1-6

Physics 101 Blog #1

Japan Air Lines Flight 123

Everybody knows of the tragic accident of Japan Air Lines Flight 123 in August 12, 1985 near Mt. Fuji, killing more than 500 passengers and making it the deadliest aviation disaster involving a single aircraft in history. After official investigation, there are many physics-involved elements that took place before and during the event.


A few years before the accident, the same aircraft was involved in a minor tail-strike accident, in which the rear of the aircraft came into contact with the runway tarmac upon landing. The resulting friction damaged the rear pressure bulkhead, which is a dome-shaped cover located right under the tail that keeps the cabin and fuselage pressurized at a near sea-level temperature.


A repair was carried out by patching up the scratched bulkhead with a strip of rivets, but this procedure was improper as two rolls of rivets were required to complete the repair. The faulty bulkhead would continue to sustain pushing and pulling forces of air pressure changes after each take off and landing, gradually weakening the area of the faulty repair until on August 12, 1985, reached its breaking point known as metal fatigue, and causing an explosive decompression as the bulkhead finally burst. Below is a force diagram of the pressurized air acting against the bulkhead of a typical Boeing 747, while it's on the ground and 35,000 ft in the cruising altitude:

When the catastrophic decompression occurred, the sudden explosion of air rushing out of the cracked bulkhead sheared off the tail section and destroyed the hydraulic lines, which is a critical system for maintaining flight controls of the elevators, ailerons and rudder. The aircraft entered into an uncoordinated cycle of up and down movement, known as the phugoid cycle. An example diagram is provided:

Since the movement controls were nearly all uncoordinated, the plane literally acquired a mind of its own. It began to fly up at a steep angle, where it reaches a point called "angle of attack", which is the minimum angle in which the plane's nose is lined up with the horizon before a stall takes places. With a steep angle, massive amount of friction is produced in the undercarriage as huge amount of air resistance slows the plane into a stall. The plane stalled, and the nose immediately falls downward, and the aircraft goes into a steep dive until it regained air speed and lift force and went back up again. JAL flight 123 had to endure this cycle several times within a 30 minute interval until it went into an unrecoverable nosedive and crashed straight into a mountain range, killing more than 500 passengers and crews and sparing only 4 survivors.


One last interesting thing to note was that the four survivors of JAL flight 123 were all seated in the very rear of the plane. When the plane struck ground, it went in as a nosedive at a very fast speed. Massive amount of momentum was exerted on to the aircraft, leaving the majority of plane parts and passengers alike mashed into compressed pieces of unrecognizable chunks. However, the majority of the rear tail section was still intact, due to the fact that all momentums required for the moving object to stop had been used and sparing the lives of some passengers at that location.


Physics Blog #2

Voyager 1 Space Probe

Voyager 1 is a man-made satellite, and the first artificial object to be able to travel into interstellar space. Launched in 1977, Voyager 1 is currently traveling at 17 km per second, also making it the fastest man-made object, and at a distance of 19 billion km from Earth also makes it manmade's most distance object. But, how is the Voyager capable of traveling such distances, and at such speed?


Space is a vacuum and a frictionless environment. Without the influence of gravity or other intercepting objects, an object can travel on an on at the same speed and direction forever and ever. This is known as the constant velocity, in which an object's speed stays the same, without being influenced by acceleration.


The constant velocity of Voyager 1 is at 17 km/sec, which means that it would be the speed it will remain, possibly forever, if left undisturbed or not influenced by other gravitational forces.



Physics Blog #3

Jet Engine Reverse Thrust

When a plane lands on an airport, it cannot depend on wheel brakes to slow down like cars and trains. Instead, it relies on an engine mechanism called reverse thrust (a.k.a. speed brakes). Just as thrust is required for a plane to speed up to obtain lift and to keep it airborne, reverse thrust is deployed to reverse the air flow of the engine. What happens during normal flight is that air is sucked in through the front, where the fan blades are located, compressed in a compressor, mixed and combusted along with jet fuel, and released through the rear nozzle in a very pressurized and rapid fashion, just like nitrous oxide on race cars. This flush of high pressurized air propels the plane forward, but when the opposite happens, the air is being diverted to other than the rear end, usually forced out from the side (as seen in the pictures and diagram above). The following aircraft force diagram is provided to give a better reference to the common forces affecting an airplane.

Blog #4:

The San Andreas Fault:

Everybody knows the infamous San Andreas fault, a transform fault line located along the West coast of California that makes up the Eastern-most region of the Pacific's Ring of Fire. The San Andreas Fault is made up of two major tectonic plates, the Pacific Plate and the North American Plate, sliding against each other. The resulting friction of those two massive plates produced some of the most well known earthquakes such as the 1906 San Francisco quake and the 1989 Loma Prieta quake.

Why is the San Andreas fault transform the western landscape so much and at the same time, produced and will continue to produce destructive earthquakes? Well the crevices in between the two massive plates are even, but rather jagged, and for the sliding to occur won't be smooth, especially if the two plates got tangled up. When it happens, both plates would try to shove across each other, but only get more interlocked. The resulting forces may result in the landscape near the fault line to look wrinkled. Eventually if the area gets completely tangled, potential energy began to build up on the part where pressure is exerted the most, until one day the end snaps, releasing massive amount of energy when the plate suddenly shoved pass it in an instant, and the resulting shockwave is what produces the destructive force of earthquake.


Blog #5

Terminal Velocity vs Precipitation

Nearly all precipitation, rain, snow, sleet, or hail originated from clouds that are high up in the sky. But since they fall from such an extreme altitude, why don't they hit the earth in a rapid speed that would have probably left a crater on the ground after impact? When water vapor in clouds condenses, it forms into bigger droplets which eventually gets overtaken by the force of gravity and falls. For a while its falling speed increases. However, air resistance soon began to take over and pushed the precipitation from below. Eventually, the air resistance force would equal up with the gravitational force, in a situation called terminal velocity, and the precipitation fall rate stabilizes. The precipitation would maintain this fall rate until it makes contact with the ground or comes in contact with wind shears or other moving air along the way.


Blog #6

Air Hockey Table

Air hockey is not only a type of fun game, but it also serve as a great representation of how objects can behave when forces of physics are being applied in an environment with no friction (and decreased air resistance). The lack of friction was emulated by the table vent fans blowing from the surface up, which allowed the puck to "float" with the air pushing its bottom. A puck was to remain stationary until initial force was applied, and it would move at a constant velocity, which means that it would not be accelerating, until an additional contact force was to be applied.